
“I pledge by my life and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.”

Archive for May 4th, 2008

May Day Protest Part II

Posted by Fritoy on May 4, 2008

First some flags.

The Mexico flag here just disappeared before they came back too the TV crews.

Now that we know how they feel about flags we move on to our own favorite.
Finding Che.

Ok Now that Che has been spotted we can move on too more important things like campaign signs.


Chris Rich
If I had a choice, The guy on the left would not be in public with my name. (just saying)

Amanda Fritz

And lastly
The One The Only…

One lonely sign.
Jim Bissonnette showed up to chat with anyone who would listen.
I didn’t take any photos of him, didn’t see any reason too heck I didn’t even know he was running for something.


Puppets, Who can have a protest without Puppets!

I almost forgot Labor unions.

Some over head shots.

I was some what disappointed in the turnout for this protest. I was sure more of the socialists swine would have been there.

I  forgot the 911 Truthers

All in all I was some what surprised not to see the Ron Paul Bots around.

Posted in funny, Funny shit, News, Nutroots, Oregon, photos, Portland | 2 Comments »